This was the initial version, based on the idea from the Amiga
Bartender program (see background).
The database was slow and offered few possibilities to search. Users
could add their own drinks, but that system didn't work well and
required a lot of post-processing of incoming drinks before they
could be added to the database.
Version 2.0
On-line: 31. October 1995 # of drinks: 1299
Much was improved during summer and autumn 1995. A lot of new
recipes and features were added:
Restructured data files resulted in higher speed.
Advanced search capabilities:
Ingredient search.
Detailed search.
Fuzzy search.
Random drink.
Weekly, advanced statistics.
Add drink form improved.
Further development of this version lasted all winter 1995/96,
and some of the above improvements were not added until later.
Version 3.0
On-line: 6. December 1996. # of drinks: 1662
A lot of improvements. The main improvement was that the
entire database engine was rewritten in C to add more speed and make
a port to Windows easier (although that never happened). Other
changes included:
More cross references inside the database.
"In my bar" search that generate a list of drink possible
to make from a list of ingredients.
Intelligent "Add drink" system. (MS Wizard like)
New layout.
Version 4.0
On-line: 7. May 1997 -- Two years after the initial release. # of drinks: 2100