The Webtender
An On-line Bartender

XXX Reviews, prizes and awards. XXX

This page is dedicated to review sites or magazines that have reviewed The Webtender, or given The Webtender some sort of prize or award.. (I like to brag.) I have included some of the reviews here for you to read.
If you have seen a review of The Webtender that is not listed here, or represent someone who have written about The Webtender, please send me a mail at

Please note that a lot of these sites link to old Webtender URLs. The correct URL is: Please use this when linking to The Webtender.

Also, since 1998 I have more or less stopped keeping track of reviews of The Webtender.


From the September 1998 issue of

Mix Her a Pitcher of Perfect Freezing Garrets:
The Webtender

One of the handiest wine-and-spirits sites on the Web tells you how to mix any of 4000 drinks as well as what you can make when all you have on hand is half a lemon, a pound of processed American cheese and a quarter of a bottle of vermouth. (

--from "The Single Guy's Guide to Technology" by Andy Ihnatko.

As seen in Playboy magazine. Copyright © 1998 by Playboy. All rights reserved.
PLAYBOY and RABBIT HEAD DESIGN are trademarks of Playboy Enterprises, Inc. and used with permission.

[Netscape Netcenter]

Collected: 8.Aug.98


Cool Sitings Content | Design
The Webtender - For the lady's man, find out what goes best with a fine glass of Courvoisier.
9 | 6
1 = Don't Bother    10 = Don't Miss It

[USA Today Hot Site]

Collected: 31.Dec.97


Online Bartender
Want to make the perfect holiday martini? As well as any other drink you've ever heard of, or never imagined even existed? You'll find it at the Webtender.


Collected: 25.Oct.96

No review has been written, so I tell about it myself:

This is my favourite review. I received a phone call from a radio program called "Safari" on Norwegian national radio. On Friday 26. Oct 1996 i was in studio, and live on the air.
That was really fun. It is probably the best coverage I've had in Norway since I started. Thanks Birger!

I was also on the air in the same program on Friday 7. Feb 1997 to talk about The Webtender again.

[PCMagazine SiteOfTheWeek]

Collected: 07.Jul.97


The Webtender
What'll it be--the "Hop Skip and Go Naked Punch," the "Blood Clot," the "Sandra Buys A Dog," or "Motor Oil"? Can you say no to a "Monkey Gland Cocktail"? The Webtender has 1,662 drinks, and with its Bartender's Handbook, you will know enough about mixology to stir up your party.

Copyright (c) 1997 Ziff-Davis Inc.


Collected: 25.Jan.97


Life & Style > Food & Drink > All You Can Drink > Booze > Drink Recipes Reviews
The Webtender
Don't know a Beetlejuice from a Bikini from a Boxcar? This searchable site features a database containing over 1,600 recipes, and is a handy resource for bartenders, both professional and amateur. If you can think of one that's not in here, you're welcome to add your own recipe.

©1996 Excite Inc.
Credits Disclaimer

[The Web]

Collected: Jan.98


Was also reviewed in Nov'96,
Feb'97 and Dec'97 issues.

Section: HOME
Subsection:FOOD & DRINK
Issue: JAN98
This "on-line bartender" lets you tap a brimming database of more than 4,000 drink recipes, from the "'57 Chevy with a White License Plate" to the Zorro (an unholy combination of Sambuca, Irish Cream, and mint liqueur). Browse by name, category, or glass (low-ball, high-ball, etc.); search by name or ingredient; or tell the Webtender what you've got on hand, and he'll tell you what to make. Check the Bartender's Handbook section for bar measurement tips, anti-hangover remedies, and a jugful of drinking games.

[Top 5%]

Collected: 31.Oct.95


The Webtender

Content: 43/50
Presentation: 29/50
Experience: 39/50

This "online bartender" is an exhaustive guide to cocktail preparation, with hundreds of drink recipes online. We tried a few randomly chosen place-names and came up with Chicago Fizzes, New York Sours, California Dreams, and Floridas (no drinks named after Minnesota as yet, though). The "Bartender's Handbook" has a bit of reading material, including mixology basics, drinking games, and "Dr. I.M. Bibe's Anti-Hangover Tips," a list of mostly sensible-sounding suggestions like taking aspirin with water before you collapse into bed ("be SURE you know what pills you're swallowing"). Oddly, Webmaster Pål Løberg says "I do not drink alcohol myself," so proceed at your own risk.

Lycos | Point | A2Z

© 1996 Lycos, Inc.


Collected: 30.Aug.96


The Webtender

An incredible resource of alcoholic (and some non-alcoholic) beverages. The site offers recipes for almost 1,300 drinks, from your basic martini to the Ma Bonnie Wee Hen. The site, maintained by Pål Løberg, also includes Dr. I. M. Bibe's Anti-Hangover Tips, a ton of drinking games, standard bar measurements (a splash = 1/32 ounce), and An Introduction to Mixology that provides extensive information about the basics of mixing drinks.

Copyright © 1996 Global Network Navigator, Inc.


Collected: 07.Sep.96


Food & Drink / Liquor & Liqueurs
Food & Drink / Nonalcoholic Drinks

  • A nondrinking Norwegian college student thought up this sometimes hilarious site, which lists thousands of drinks and various recipes for making them. He has gleaned information from around the world for his Bartender's Handbook, which concerns itself with the basics of mixology, antihangover advice, a bevy of drinking games, and the General Drink Recipes archive, which is staggering (no pun intended). A gigantic resource for drink-makers of any level of experience, including those who only care to imbibe nonalcoholic versions of their favorite cocktails.

  • Humor, Games, Cocktails, Mixology

  • Bartenders, Would-Be Bartenders, Mixologists

  • English

  • Pal Loberg

Physical Location
  • Trondheim, Norway

No Cost



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Collected: 07.Sep.96


The WebTender
Censorship be darned and give us a martini. The WebTender, an online bartender, brings you scads of cocktail recipes, both well-known and obscure (such as Sandr a Buys A Dog), along with statistics on most-viewed recipes. Some drinks have mo re than one formula, but other recipes are way off the beam -- we wouldn't even think of putting creme de almond in our chic summer party Zombies. (Eeeew .)

[Snap! Online]

Collected: 01.Oct.97


Unsure of how to make Sex on the Beach? Use The Webtender to find ingredients, preparation techniques and recommended glassware for this and thousands of other drinks. You'll also find a Bartender's Handbook, a forum and chat room to mix drink conversation and a bookstore. But the best feature of The Webtender is the index of drinks and the searchable database. If you can't decide what you'd best like to imbibe, then browse through the drink index for intoxicating ideas. The adventuresome can use the random drink generator as a means of picking their poison.


Collected: 22.Jan.97


The whole world is going to Hell in a handbasket. So what are you going to do about it? That's right -- start drinking heavily! And if you like a little variety in your alcoholic diet, we suggest a trip to see the Webtender. You can browse their database of some 1,650+ drink recipes for something just a little different. Low on ingredients? You can tell Webtender what you DO have and it will spit out some recipes for you. Great! Now we have to get a computer for behind the bar!

Other awards

[Top 10% Cooking site] [Weekender Webwatch] [Kvasir] [AllStars] [EU Whats New Best Site] [Yahoo Cool Link] [Reviewed on Interactivity] [Best of the net - January 1998] [Gold Site Award - DOTCOM REVIEWS] [Greatest 100] [ Editor's Choice]

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