The Webtender
Bartender's Handbook

Tips and Tricks

  • 1/2 oz. of liquor is equal to 1 count, assuming you are using a pourer on your bottles. To measure 1 1/2 oz. of liquor, count "1001...1002...1003" as you are pouring. After a while, you should be able to do it by eye.

  • To make highballs, fill glass two-thirds full of ice before adding liquor. Always pour liquor in before the mixer. Do not stir drinks containing carbonated mixers.

  • To make cocktails, lowballs, and other shaken or stirred drinks, fill shaker half-full of ice. For lowballs, fill the glass about half-full of ice before pouring drink.

  • Most shaken drinks which contain light cream can also be made as blended drinks, substituting vanilla ice cream for the light cream.

  • To make blended drinks, first fill blender half-full of ice. If necessary, add more ice as you are blending.

  • Always keep fruit juices and other mixers refrigerated.

  • In fruit drinks, e.g. strawberry margaritas, always use fresh fruit, not frozen.


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