The Webtender
Bartender's Handbook

Toasts around the World

The toasts below are roughly equivalent to "Cheers!", "Bottoms Up!", or "To Your Health!" in various languages.

For most of the toasts, the toast is written the way is should be pronounced. However, some of the toasts are written the way they are in the original language.

Afrikaans Gesondheid
Albanian Shëndeti tuaj
Arabic Fi sahitak
Armenian Genatset
Asturian Gayola
Austrian Prost / Zum Wohl
Azerbaijani Afiyćt oslun
Basque Topa
Belgian Op uw gezonheid
Bengali Joy
Bosnian Zivjeli
Brazilian Saude
Breton Yec'hed mat
Bulgarian Nazdrave
Catalan Salut
Chinese Kong chien
Cornish Yeghes da
Creole Salud
Croatian Zivjeli / U zdravlje
Czech Na zdraví
Danish Skĺl
Dutch Proost
Egyptian Fee sihetak
Esperanto Sanon
Estonian Teie terviseks
Farsi Ba'sal'a'ma'ti
Finnish Kippis
French Ŕ votre santé / Santé
Frisian Tsjoch
Galician Chinchín / Saúde
German Prost
Greek Gia'sou
Greenlandic Kasugta
Hawaiian Hipahipa
Hebrew Le'chaim
Hindi Apki Lambi Umar Ke Liye
Holooe Kam-poe
Hungarian Egészségedre
Icelandic Santanka nu / Skĺl
Ido Ye vua saneso
Irish Gaelic Sláinte 1
Italian Salute / Cin cin
Japanese Kampai
Korean Konbe
Latin Sanitas bona / Bene tibi
Latvian Prieka
Lithuanian I sveikata
Malaysian Minum
Mandarin Gan bei
Mexican Salud
Moroccan Saha wa'afiab
Norwegian Skĺl
Occitan A la vňstra
Pakistani Sanda bashi
Philippine Mabuhay
Polish Na zdrowie
Portuguese Saúde
Rumanian Noroc
Russian Vashe zdorovie
Serbian Zivjeli / U zdravlje
Sesotho Nqa
Slovak Na zdravie
Slovenian Na zdravje
Spanish Salud
Swahili Afya / Vifijo
Swedish Skĺl
Tagalog Mabuhay
Thai Chook-die / Sawasdi
Turkish Serefe
Ukrainian Na zdorov'ya
Welsh Iechyd da
Yiddish Lechaim
Yugoslavian Ziveo / Ziveli
Zulu Oogy wawa

Feel free to send me new toasts, or corrections on how to write or pronounce the toasts.

Pronunciation hints

Irish Gaelic: Sláinte
It's pronounced "slawn-cha", or something like "It's a lawn chair" very quickly so all the words run together.

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