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Irish Coffee #3


Mixing instructions:

Stud the strips of orange and lemon peel with 2 cloves each and place them in a frying pan or chafing dish with the stick of cinnamon and the 2 teaspoons of sugar. Place over moderate heat, stirring occationally with a wooden spoon, until the sugar has melted. Pour the Irish Whiskey into the pan and light a match to the liquid. (Be sure to step back since the flame will flare up instantly.) Shake the pan to and fro slowly until the flame dies out. Pour in the hot coffee all at once and let it come to a simmer. Remove from the heat. Rub the cut edge of a strip of lemon peel around the inside of each the irish coffee cup and dip it into a dish of caster sugar so that the sugar adheres to the inside rim. Pour in the coffee, trying not to disturb the sugar. Top each serving with a dollop of whipped cream.

Creator/contributor's comments:

This should be enough to serve two.

Drink Information:
Category: Coffee / Tea
Alcohol: Alcoholic
Serve in: Irish coffee cup
Rating: 6.3 - 173 votes  [vote]
Source: Time Life Books - Foods of the World
Added: 07.Apr.1997
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